Resultaat 121 - 140 (van 684)
Socratess | Aristotle | Plato Learn Wisdom with Classical Greek Philosophers
Plato, Socrates, Aristotle
Embark on a profound journey of wisdom with the titans of Ancient Greece: Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle. Explore the timeless teachings of these philosophical giants as they unravel the mysteries of life, ethics, and the pursuit of knowledge. Discover the enduring truths that have shaped civilizations and uncover the keys to a life of wisdom, virtue, and profound self-discovery. Socrates (469 – 399 B.C.E), Plato (427 – 347 B.C.E), and Aristotle (384 – 322 B.C.E) are some of the most well-known...
Engels | 1 uur 9 minuten (50 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2022
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Napoleon | Sun Tzu | Niccolò Machiavelli Learn Strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu and Machiavelli
Unleash your inner tactician and unlock the secrets of strategic brilliance with "Learn Strategy with Napoleon, Sun Tzu, and Machiavelli." This captivating guide invites you to delve into the minds of history's greatest military and political strategists. From Napoleon's audacious campaigns to Sun Tzu's timeless wisdom and Machiavelli's cunning political insights, this collection offers a treasure trove of knowledge to sharpen your strategic thinking and decision-making skills. Born in Florence,...
Engels | 1 uur 19 minuten (58 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2022
Luisterboek (digitaal)
David Hume Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion had not yet been published when he died in 1776. Even though the manuscript was mostly written during the 1750s, it did not appear until 1779. The subject itself was too delicate and controversial, and Hume’s dialectical examination of religious knowledge was especially provocative. What should we teach young people about religion? The characters Demea, Cleanthes, and Philo passionately present and defend three sharply different answers to that question....
Engels | 6 uur 25 minuten (287 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy
From the Spirit of Music
"The Birth of Tragedy" stands alongside Aristotle’s "Poetics" as essential works for all who seek to understand poetry and its relationship to human life. In this, his first book, Nietzsche developed a way of thinking about the arts that unites the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus as the central symbol of human existence. Although tragedy serves as the focus of this work, music, visual art, dance, and the other arts can also be viewed using Nietzsche’s analysis and integration of the Apollonian and...
Engels | 3 uur 15 minuten (141 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Aristotle Aristotle’s Poetics
Aristotle's Poetics is best known for its definition and analysis of tragedy and comedy, but it also applies to truth and beauty as they are manifested in the other arts. In our age, when the natural and social sciences have dominated the quest for truth, it is helpful to consider why Aristotle claimed: "poetry is more philosophical and more significant than history." Like so many other works by Aristotle, the Poetics has dominated the way we have thought about all forms of dramatic performance in...
Engels | 1 uur 26 minuten (62 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Henri Bergson An Introduction to Metaphysics
The basic principles that Bergson articulates, especially his way of thinking about reality as a dynamic process and his view of human beings as creative and evolving, should be helpful to anyone who seeks to go beyond simply dealing with the practical demands of daily life and consider the nature of things. Of special importance is Bergson’s claim that it is both possible and necessary to know from the inside rather than confining our attention to external perspectives and points of view. Intuition...
Engels | 2 uur 5 minuten (91 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Alfred North Whitehead Whitehead’s The Function of Reason
Whitehead presented these three lectures at Princeton University in 1929. Although 85 years have passed, his central thesis and his analysis remain remarkably current. The scientific materialism that Whitehead opposed with such vigor continues to dominate in academic circles, and even now those who question that worldview are often accused of being anti-scientific. This is especially true in discussions of the nature of the human mind and its relation to the body (particularly the brain). It is hard...
Engels | 2 uur 34 minuten (112 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Albert A. Anderson Anderson’s Reality and the Arts
Art is the creative manifestation of essences. In order to understand the relation between art and reality, we need a philosophical guide. The best way to comprehend how the creative act of imagining enables the mind to seek reality is to employ the kind of dialectical thinking that Plato used in his dialogues. Beginning with the shadows on the wall of the cave in which each person dwells, that process gradually enables us to grasp the essences that are manifested in individual works of art. Without...
Engels | 4 uur 7 minuten (179 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Joseph Norio Uemura Uemura’s Reflections on the Mind of Plato
"Plato was not a Platonist! I would like to show . . . that anyone who reads the dialogues of Plato without bias or an ax to grind will find a humorous, witty, pleasant friend; and not a desiccated scholarly mandarin. Plato was an open-minded, tolerant, reasonable individual, not a tight-lipped, pietistic, puritan. In a word, Plato was an Athenian, not a Spartan!" In the twenty-four centuries that have passed since the Athenians put Socrates to death, every generation has interpreted the meaning...
Engels | 4 uur 43 minuten (208 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
John Stuart Mill Mill’s On Liberty
John Stuart Mill’s "On Liberty" was first published in 1859. In the 21st century this text confirms Socrates’ claim that "it is only the life of true philosophy that scorns the life of political ambition" (Plato’s Republic, 521). Mill’s thinking about freedom in civic and social life examines fundamental principles shared among conservative, liberal, and radical politicians. The life of true philosophy stands outside the political battles that are rampant in society and seeks the political wisdom...
Engels | 6 uur 11 minuten (277 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Immanuel Kant Kant’s Foundations of Ethics
These works articulate the most fundamental principles of Kant’s ethical and political world-view. "What is Enlightenment?" (1784) and "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals" (1785) challenge all free people to think about the requirements for self-determination both in our individual lives and in our public and private institutions. Kant’s "Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals" is dedicated to the proposition that all people can know what they need to know to be honest,...
Engels | 5 uur 5 minuten (228 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
René Descartes Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy
René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his "Meditations on First Philosophy" can be found in the medieval period that had already existed for more than a thousand years. Does God exist? If so, what is his nature? Is the human soul immortal? How does it differ from the body? What role do sense experience and pure reason play in knowing? Descartes stands out from his predecessors because of the method he developed to treat these and other fundamental...
Engels | 3 uur 32 minuten (153 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
George Berkeley Berkeley’s Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
Berkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in "Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous" to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are between Hylas (whose name is derived from the ancient Greek word for matter) and Philonous, whose name means "lover of mind." The new physical sciences developed in the seventeenth century supported the materialism proposed by Thomas Hobbes and several other philosophers. This worldview proclaimed that all of reality consists...
Engels | 4 uur 32 minuten (197 MB) | SAGA Egmont, København | 2020
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Grahame Lock Political philosophy
an audio course on Western political theory
This audio course examines the major periods in the history of Western political thought and questions the political and social order. It considers the ways in which thinkers have responded to the particular political problems of their day, and the ways in which they contribute to a broader conversation about human goods and needs, justice, democracy, and the proper relationship of the individual to the state. One aim will be to understand the strengths and weaknesses of various regimes and philosophical...
Engels | 4 uur | Home Academy Publishers, The Hague | 2008
Luisterboek (digitaal)
Max Frisch De vragen van Frisch
Max Frisch (1911-1991) was een Zwitserse toneelschrijver en romancier. Maar bovenal was hij een zoekende mens, een man die de wereld in vraag stelde. We mogen van geluk spreken dat hij die vragen heeft genoteerd. De vragen van Frisch is de vertaling van diens werk Fragebogen (1987), waarin Frisch zijn legendarische vragenlijsten bundelde. Alle grote thema's des levens passeren de revue, onderwerpen als liefde, vriendschap, zingeving en het levenseinde. Voor het eerst verschijnen ook de drie laatste...
Nederlands | 89 pagina's (ePub2, 0,7 MB) | Borgerhoff & Lamberigts, Edegem | 2024
Jan Verplaetse Ultramontaan
Filosofische dialogen over geloof, kunst en misdaad
Gent, januari 1867. Een beroemd architect die goed gelijkt op Jean-Baptiste Bethune krijgt het verzoek om een neogotische guillotine te ontwerpen. Rond die tijd beheerst de discussie over de afschaffing van de doodstraf het politieke debat in België. Datzelfde jaar treedt een nieuw strafwetboek in werking. Hoewel voorstander van de doodstraf weigert de architect op dit verzoek in te gaan. Hij reageert verontwaardigd want hij kan dit toestel, symbool van de gehate Franse Revolutie, niet rijmen met...
Nederlands | 200 pagina's (ePub2, 1,9 MB) | Pelckmans uitgevers, Kalmthout | 2024
Stine Jensen Onderstroom
Over publieksfilosofie en andere overdenkingen
Nu er zowat iedere week een literaire rel is, zou je bijna gaan denken dat wij Oempa Loempa's niet de hele dag cacaobonen, maar kinderboeken verslinden. Voor de letteren heeft alle opwinding óók een gunstig effect. De verbeelding is kennelijk zo'n groot gevaar voor de ideologen van de ultraconservatieve en ultrawakkere flank, dat ze die willen verbieden en censureren - met de schrijver erbij. Dat maakt de literatuur lekker vitaal en urgent. Wat is de waarde van kunst en cultuur in een samenleving...
Nederlands | 200 pagina's (ePub2, 2,2 MB) | Kluitman Alkmaar, Alkmaar | 2024
Govert Derix Hyperfilosofie
Op zoek naar wijsheid in onwijze tijden
Er is een moment dat we onze kaarten op tafel moeten leggen en dat moment is nu. Wij zien voor ons hoe de vlaggen erbij hangen. We kunnen willens en wetens met open ogen of verdoofd of ingeslapen verdwalen in de doolhoven van duizend ismen en ideologieën. De verdwalingen nemen clowneske vormen aan. De verleiding van lange verhalen is groot. De tijd is kort. Hyperfilosofie is een poging om een filosofisch antwoord te geven op de lastigste vragen van onze tijd. Govert Derix heeft hiermee zijn persoonlijke...
Nederlands | 218 pagina's (ePub2, 0,6 MB) | Magonia, Utrecht | 2024
George Orwell Tegen totalitarisme
Essays over politiek en literatuur
Waarin schuilen de verlokkingen van het nationalisme en het fascisme? Hoe worden taal en literatuur gebruikt voor politieke doelen? Wat kun je doen om je eigen schrijfstijl te verbeteren? In Tegen totalitarisme lees je de antwoorden van George Orwell op deze vragen. Orwell toont haarscherp hoe politieke ideologieën werken. Ook bespreekt hij de literaire helden die hem inspireerden bij het schrijven van Animal Farm en 1984. Orwells puntige columns en radio-optredens bevatten waarschuwingen voor duistere...
Nederlands | 155 pagina's (ePub2, 1,3 MB) | ISVW Uitgevers, Leusden | 2024
Jan Bransen En nu?
de mens als bedreigde diersoort
Beschouwing over menselijke crises en de noodzaak voor verandering in het denken en handelen aan de hand van de filosofie.
Nederlands | ePub2, 1,3 MB | ISVW Uitgevers, Leusden | 2024