Informatief | Engelstalig

Resultaat 91 - 100 (van 312)


  • Syncategoremata

    The Stadsbibliotheek of Brugge houses a manuscript (ms. 510, f. 227ra-237vb) that holds a short logical text on the Syncategoremata, e.g. words that are not subjects or predicates in proposition. In this manuscript the text is ascribed to Henry of Ghent, who was a leading thinker of the second half of the thirteenth century. The highly interesting text contains some typical themes of Henry of Ghent, e.g. the distinction between esse essentiae and esse existentiae, which further supports the attribution...


  • Jaap Peters, Mathieu Weggeman The rhineland way

    The Rhineland Way was French philosopher Michel Albert s proposed answer to the Anglo-American style of market capitalism that spread across the globe after the demise of Communism in the early 1990s. Today, in the wake of recent scandals and the crisis in the banking industry, this alternative is more viable -- and more needed -- than ever before. What does the Rhineland Way mean on a practical, day-to-day working level? How can we infuse our organisations and working processes with a little Rhineland...


  • Henny Bos If Criticism hurts

    We all get criticized. That's part of life. Parents, partners, friends, haters, strangers, they all have an opinion on what you do, what you don't do, and what you should do. But if the critique hurts and leads to anger or sadness, it means you are a victim of two unexpected enemies: your ego and your inner critic. If you want to be free from the pain of judgment, you need to say goodbye to your ego and welcome your true Self, the authentic and unique person that you are. Henny Bos links personal...


  • Wim Denslagen Observations on Urban Aesthetics

    London, Paris and New York were each designated as 'capital of the world' in the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Besides their cultural importance, they were also admired for their beauty. How travellers described these cityscapes is the theme of this book. Why is it interesting to look at these cities through the eyes of travellers from the past who visited places, which have changed over time? Well, firstly, because if you always restrict your views on architecture by only looking...


  • Anton van den Dungen, Coen Dirkx When management is your profession

    Managers today seem to have to be jacks-of-all-trades. Delegating, co-operating, motivating, planning and even keeping up to date with developments as well as taking training courses: this is what is expected of managers today. But who can possibly do all of these things at one time? Dirkx en Van den Dungen show us which skills you need to be a manager, how you can obtain these skills and how you can put them into practice without becoming completely snowed under. Using models, recommendations...


  • Music and the city

    The societal dimension of music in urban life in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Although early modern urban musical life has been the object of investigation with several researchers, little is known about the ways in which musical cultures were integrated within their broader urban environments. Building upon recent trends within urban musicology, the authors of this volume aim to transcend descriptive overviews of institutions and actors involved with music within a given city....


  • Raquel Pacheco Aguilar Situatedness and Performativity

    Translating and interpreting are unpredictable social practices framed by historical, ethical, and political constraints. Using the concepts of situatedness and performativity as anchors, the authors examine translation practices from the perspectives of identity performance, cultural mediation, historical reframing, and professional training. As such, the chapters focus on enacted events and conditioned practices by exploring production processes and the social, historical, and cultural conditions...


  • Eva Lievens, Simon Verschaeve, Carl Vander Maelen An Introduction to Law & Technology

    Technology is omnipresent in today's society. Education, health, work, interactions with the government, leisure, communication, and research are just some of the contexts in which digital technologies play an increasingly important role. To understand this better, this book aims to offer insights into and critical reflections on the impact of technology on society, the interaction between technology and law, and the impact of technology on the legal profession. The book is divided into four thematic...


  • Marlous de Haan How (not) to Video Call

    How (not) to Video Call, 75 essential rules of etiquette for successful virtual meetings. How do you make video calling more fun and professional for you and for others? The 75 essential rules of etiquette in this book will ensure you have successful virtual meetings. Video calling - certainly because of the coronavirus pandemic - has become an indispensable part of all our lives. "Hello? Can you all hear me?"; "I hear you, but I can't see you"; "The report frWOOF WOOF WOOFhere"; "I-i HEAR-hear...


  • Worlds in a Museum

    Held on the occasion of Louvre Abu Dhabi's first anniversary, the symposium Worlds in a Museum addressed the topic of museums in the era of globalisation, exploring contemporary museology and the preservation and presentation of culture within the context of changing societies. Departing from the historical museum structure inherited from the Enlightenment, leading experts from art, cultural, and academic institutions explore present-day achievements and challenges in the study, display and interpretation...

