Informatief | Engelstalig

Resultaat 241 - 250 (van 312)


  • Islam & Europe

    Within the framework of the Forum A. & A Leysen, several experts from in and outside the Muslim world contributed to this book. In Islam and Europe: Crises Are Challenges they discuss how dialogues between Islam and the West, with a focus on Europe, can be achieved. The various authors (legal scholars, political theorists, social scientists, and psychologists) explore in these collected essays such interrelated questions as: How much diversity is permissible within a liberal pluralistic democratic...


  • European Muslims and New Media

    'European Muslims and New Media' offers perspectives on the various ways in which Muslims use new media to form and reform Muslim consciousness, identities, and national and transnational belongings, and contest and negotiate tensions and hegemonic narratives in Western European societies. The authors explore how online discussion groups, social media communities, and other online sites act as a 'new public sphere' for Muslim youth to voice their opinions, seek new sources of knowledge, establish...


  • Frans Bouman, Marieta Koopmans Entrepreneurial leadership

    Entrepreneurship is a latent skill present in a lot of people. Just look at how enterprising people are in their spare time, without being asked or paid for it! Organisations should do more to encourage entrepreneurship amongst their people. Because if people are inspired by something, they will often achieve excellent results and actually enjoy their work. In Entrepreneurial Leadership you will learn how to go about this. The authors show you how to integrate entrepreneurship for your employees...


  • Coen Bom Armin Only

    In 2008 werd Armin van Buuren bij de verkiezingen van 's werelds beste 100 dj's uitgeroepen tot populairste dj van de wereld. Het boek Eén op één volgt hem in het jaar dat daaraan voorafging. Van Buuren wordt gevolgd tijdens zijn talloze vliegreizen, optredens en interviewsessies. Het is de eerste inkijk in het leven de populairste dj van het moment. Wat gebeurt er nu werkelijk buiten het vele vliegen en alle glitter & glamour? Hoe is Armin op nummer 1 gekomen? Aan het woord komen zijn vrienden,...


  • Co-creation in Migration Studies

    Co-creative methods are increasingly used to understand and facilitate integration processes of migrants in immigrant societies. This volume aims to contribute to the debates on the ways in which co-creative methods may advance migrant integration. More specifically, the contributions investigate how co-creative research strategies can provide insights into how integration processes into various domains of immigrant society (e.g. language learning, housing, employment) are shaped, and how they can...


  • Fréderike Geerdink Bans, jails and shameless lies

    Press freedom in Turkey is a hot topic. If a (well known) journalist is detained, prosecuted or sacked in Turkey, the news is covered in full in many Western countries. Nevertheless, many articles and reports reveal only a part of what really happens: they tell the story of the journalist, newspaper or TV broadcaster involved, but not that of the underlying mechanisms. No wonder: these are not easy to explain in a paragraph or two, or in two or three minutes. ??On the one hand, the lack of press...


  • Anton van den Dungen, Coen Dirkx When management is your profession

    Managers today seem to have to be jacks-of-all-trades. Delegating, co-operating, motivating, planning and even keeping up to date with developments as well as taking training courses: this is what is expected of managers today. But who can possibly do all of these things at one time? Dirkx en Van den Dungen show us which skills you need to be a manager, how you can obtain these skills and how you can put them into practice without becoming completely snowed under. Using models, recommendations...


  • Alex J. Engel Personal and organisational development by means of professional coaching

    The goal of coaching is like the goal of good management: getting the most out of the organization's valuable resources Harvard Business Review


  • Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum

    This volume is the first complete critical edition of Peter of Auvergne's Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. The Questiones was produced at the Faculty of Arts of Paris sometime between late 1291 and 1296 and is the earliest surviving commentary in question form on Aristotle's Politics. As the introduction explains, the Questiones was philosophically innovative and became the most influential question commentary on the Politics in the Middle Ages. The volume also includes a critical edition...


  • Recognition and redistribution in multinational federations

    World's leading theorists of multinational justice on sub-state national minority groups. Almost without exception, multinational states across the West are facing existential crises precipitated by the resurgence of sub-state national minority groups. This edited volume brings together many of the world's leading theorists of multinational justice in order to analyse two of the most frequent areas of debate and dispute in multinational federations: recognition and redistribution. The authors address...

