Resultaat 141 - 160 (van 372)
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(quaestiones ordinariae), art. XLVII-LII
Volume 30 of the Henrici de Gandavo Opera Omnia series is devoted to Henry's Summa quaestionum ordinariarum, articles 47-52. This section of Henry's Summa deals with the action of the (divine) will; the divine will in relation to the divine intellect; divine beatitude; passion in relation to the divine being; the differences between the divine attributes; and the order of the divine attributes. The critical edition of the text is accompanied by a detailed introduction to the manuscripts and to Henry's...
Latijn | Engels | 356 pagina's (PDF, 9,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Summa
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LIII-LV
Critical study of the 'second part' of Henry's Summa devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. Henry of Ghent's Summa, art. 53-55, was composed shortly after Christmas of 1281, at the height of Henry's teaching career in the Theology Faculty at the University in Paris. These questions, which begin the 'second part' of his Summa, are devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. They contain Henry's philosophical analyses of the theoretical concepts person, relation, and universals. The text has been reconstructed...
Latijn | Engels | 512 pagina's (PDF, 6,5 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Henricus Gandavensis Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet IV
Henry of Ghent, the most influential philosopher/theologian of the last quarter of the 13th century at Paris, delivered his fourth Quodlibet during 1279. This Quodlibet was written at the beginning of what could be called the height of his career. In total there are 37 questions, which cover a wide range of topics, including theories in theology, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, ethics, and canon law. In these questions Henry presents his mature thought concerning the number...
Engels | Latijn | 450 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Ancient perspectives on Aristotle's De anima
Aristotle's treatise On the Soul figures among the most influential texts in the intellectual history of the West. It is the first systematic treatise on the nature and functioning of the human soul, presenting Aristotle's authoritative analyses of, among others, sense perception, imagination, memory, and intellect. The ongoing debates on this difficult work continue the commentary tradition that dates back to antiquity. This volume offers a selection of papers by distinguished scholars, exploring...
Engels | 218 pagina's (PDF, 1,5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Diogenes of Oinoanda
epicureanism and philosophical debates; épicurisme et controverses
First collection of essays entirely devoted to the inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda. The texts of Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century AD) who invited his readers to an Epicurean life is the largest ancient inscription ever discovered. Over 70 new finds have increased the number of known wall blocks and fragments to nearly 300, offering new insights into Diogenes' distinctive presentation of philosophy. This collection of essays discusses the philosophical significance of these discoveries and is...
Engels | Frans | 348 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Magdalena Bieniak The soul-body problem at Paris, ca. 1200-1250
Hugh of St-Cher and his contemporaries
The soul-body problem was among the most controversial issues discussed in 13th century Europe, and it continues to capture much attention today as the quest to understand human identity becomes more and more urgent. What made the discussion about this problem particularly interesting in the scholastic period was the tension between the traditional dualist doctrines and a growing need to affirm the unity of the human being. This debate is frequently interpreted as a conflict between the 'new' philosophy,...
Engels | Latijn | 264 pagina's (PDF, 5,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
S.W. de Boer The science of the soul
the commentary tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260 - c. 1360
The transformation of the science of the soul between 1260 and 1360. Aristotle's highly influential work on the soul, entitled De anima, formed part of the core curriculum of medieval universities and was discussed intensively. It covers a range of topics in philosophical psychology, such as the relationship between mind and body and the nature of abstract thought. However, there is a key difference in scope between the socalled 'science of the soul', based on Aristotle, and modern philosophical...
Engels | 500 pagina's (PDF, 3,3 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Radulphus Brito Quaestiones super priora analytica Aristoteles
The history of logic and its development during the medieval period. Radulphus Brito's Quaestiones super Priora Analytica Aristotelis is a major work written in the early 1300s which treated Aristotle's text devoted to the theory of the syllogism. Brito, perhaps one of the most influential medieval thinkers known as the Modistae, examines both categorical and hypothetical syllogisms. In his text, based on six known manuscripts which are complete or nearly complete, Brito was critical of many of the...
Engels | 684 pagina's (PDF, 4,8 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west
The impact of Averroes' natural philosophy on the history of philosophy and science. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) or Averroes, is widely known as the unrivalled commentator on virtually all works by Aristotle. His commentaries and treatises were used as manuals for understanding Aristotelian philosophy until the Age of the Enlightenment. Both Averroes and the movement commonly known as 'Latin Averroism' have attracted considerable attention from historians of philosophy and science. Whereas most studies...
Engels | Frans | 272 pagina's (PDF, 1,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Franciscus de Marchia Reportatio IIA
(Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum) qq. 1-12
This commentary exists in two versions: The major version is contained in 17 manuscripts and the critical edition of it is being prepared by a team of specialists led by Prof. Tiziana Suarez-Nani of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. A minor version is found in one Vatican manuscript and is being edited by Prof. Em. Girard J. Etzkorn. The texts edited in this volume all deal with creation, and investigate such central philosophical and theological issues as action, production, and causality,...
Engels | Latijn | 364 pagina's (PDF, 3,5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Franciscus de Marchia Reportatio IIA
(Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum) qq. 13-27
The texts edited in this volume deal with angelology and anthropology, and particularly with the nature and the functions of immaterial substances like angels and the human rational soul. Marchia discusses such controversial issues as universal hylomorphism, i.e., whether angels and the rational soul are composed of both matter and form (q. 13), the immortality of the soul (qq. 18-19), and the nature and the object of the intellect and will (qq. 20, 21), as well as the functionality of the angelic...
Engels | Latijn | 413 pagina's (PDF, 5,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Petrus Thomae Petri Thomae quaestiones de esse intelligibili
First critical edition of Petrus Thomae's theory of non-causal dependence. This work of Scotist metaphysics is an investigation into the ultimate constitution of things. In the course of this treatise, Petrus Thomae examines whether the essences of things ultimately depend on being thought of by God for their very intelligibility or whether they have it of themselves. Defending in detail the second option, Peter argues that creatures exist independently of the divine intellect in the divine essence....
Engels | Latijn | 328 pagina's (PDF, 2,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
H. De Dijn De andere Spinoza
de twee wegen naar het ware geluk
Studie over de rol van religie in het denken van de filosoof Spinoza (1632-1677): wat was zijn godsbeeld en hoe verhoudt godsdienst zich tot Spinoza's ethiek?
Nederlands | 200 pagina's (ePub2, 1,4 MB) | Polis, Kalmthout | 2020
Waarom ik van Simone de Beauvoir houd
Zestien vrouwelijke schrijvers, essayisten, columnisten en filosofen schrijven een brief aan Simone de Beauvoir. Ze vertellen haar waarom ze schatplichtig zijn aan haar oeuvre. Waarom gaat hun hart sneller kloppen van De Beauvoir? Zijn de fans van het eerste uur nog steeds zo enthousiast over haar? En hoe inspireert ze nieuwe generaties feministes? Met brieven van: Nadia de Vries, Daan Borrel, Heleen Debeuckelaere, Aafke Romeijn, Hasna El Maroudi, Khadija al Mourabit, Ayaan Abukar, Linda Duits,...
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,8 MB | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2020
Thích Nhất Hạnh Vind rust in ademen
Of je nu opstaat, tandenpoetst, koffie haalt op je werk, boodschappen doet of autorijdt: elk moment is een goed moment om bewust te leven. Je hoeft niet alles stop te zetten of uren te mediteren. Je kunt rustmomenten en adempauzes inpassen in je drukke bestaan wanneer je maar wilt. Een fraai uitgevoerd geschenkboekje boordevol korte meditaties, anekdotes en adviezen, waarmee je elk moment van de dag mindful kunt doorbrengen. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Nederlands | 56 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Ten Have, Utrecht | 2021
Thích Nhất Hạnh De kunst van het leven
de kern van Boeddha's leer
'De kunst van het leven' van Thich Nhat Hanh introduceert zeven transformerende meditaties, die een volkomen nieuw licht werpen op ons leven, onze relaties en onze verbondenheid met de wereld. De meditaties gaan terug op de laatste lezingen van Thich Nhat Hanh, kort voor zijn plotselinge ziekenhuisopname. Met veel persoonlijke ervaringen laat hij zien dat iedereen een gelukkig, vredig en actief leven kan leiden en ouderdom en dood open, vreugdevol en zonder angst tegemoet kan treden. Bron: Flaptekst,...
Nederlands | 117 pagina's (ePub2, 0,3 MB) | Ten Have, [Utrecht] | 2021
Ton Lemaire Met lichte tred
de wereld van de wandelaar
Bloemlezing over de weldaden van het wandelen als heilzaam middel voor een ecologischer voetafdruk.
Nederlands | ePub2 | Ambo|Anthos, Amsterdam | 2019
Bert Dicou | Sigrid Coenradie Heilig
gewoon nu
Interviews met hedendaagse gelovigen die in de voetsporen van heiligen lijken te treden.
Nederlands | 182 pagina's (PDF, 4,1 MB) | Meinema, Zoetermeer | 2012
René van Loon Hoogtepunten in het Heilige land
bijbelstudies over plaatsen in Israël
Bijbelstudies naar aanleiding van plaatsen in het huidige Israël en de Palestijnse gebieden, die de locatie vormen voor verhalen uit de Bijbel.
Nederlands | 98 pagina's (ePub2, 4,3 MB) | Boekencentrum, Utrecht | 2016
Ted Bagchus | Rien Jonkers Leven met en zonder Héloïse
inleiding tot leven en werk van Pierre Abélard
Een selectie van teksten van de middeleeuwse denker Pierre Abélard (1079-1142), voorzien van inleidingen en uitleg.
Nederlands | ePub2, 0,2 MB | Klement, Utrecht | 2017