Resultaat 1 - 8 (van 8)
Róman Kienjet De snelfotograaf
een geschiedenis van het moderne portret
Selfies werden honderd jaar geleden ook al gemaakt, ‘snapshotesthetiek’ bestond al voor de Polaroidcamera en pasfoto’s zijn ouder dan de identificatieplicht. 'De snelfotograaf. Een geschiedenis van het moderne portret' speelt zich af in de beginjaren van de twintigste eeuw, een tijd van razende snelheid en een tijd waarin veel van wat we nu als vanzelfsprekend ervaren tot stand kwam. Deze ‘moderne’ eeuw – vol ondernemingsdrift, technische vernuftigheid en transnationale handel – was de eeuw van verandering,...
Nederlands | 208 pagina's (ePub2, 26 MB) | WalburgPers Algemeen, Zutphen | 2022
Hans Rooseboom Lichtjaren
een geschiedenis van de fotografie
Hans Rooseboom is conservator fotografie bij het Rijksmuseum Rooseboom laat zien hoe foto’s gemaakt, bedoeld, verspreid, bekeken en gebruikt zijn Fotomusea worden platgelopen, de fotografiebeurs Unseen is in een paar jaar enorm gegroeid en zeer succesvol: fotografie is hot In Lichtjaren vertelt Hans Rooseboom hoe de fotografie vanuit het niets uitgroeide tot het invloedrijke, door bijna iedereen beoefende en overal aanwezige medium van nu. Hij laat zien hoe foto’s gemaakt, bedoeld, verspreid,...
Nederlands | ePub2, 56 MB | J.M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam | 2019
Dirk Lauwaert Selected writings, 1983-2008
Radically subjective. Radically unapologetic. Radically demanding. These are the hallmarks of Dirk Lauwaert's skill, attitude, and sensitivity, which are the result of radical attention. Belgian writer and critic Dirk Lauwaert (1944-2013) wrote about images, be they moving or still, historical or contemporary, overfamiliar or unseen. He experienced them intensely, studied them attentively, and connected them to ethical, philosophical, or social issues in texts that invited readers to do the same,...
Engels | 205 pagina's (PDF, 1,3 MB) | Leuven University Press, [Leuven] | 2023
Dirk Lauwaert. Selected Writings, 1983-2004
Radically subjective. Radically unapologetic. Radically demanding. These are the hallmarks of Dirk Lauwaert's skill, attitude, and sensitivity, which are the result of radical attention. Belgian writer and critic Dirk Lauwaert (1944-2013) wrote about images, be they moving or still, historical or contemporary, overfamiliar or unseen. He experienced them intensely, studied them attentively, and connected them to ethical, philosophical, or social issues in texts that invited readers to do the same,...
Engels | ePub2 | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2023
Olga Smith Contemporary photography in France
between theory and practice
This compelling publication traces the broad arc of photography's development in France from the 1970s to the present day. A decade-by-decade account reveals unexpected points of convergence between practices that are not usually considered in a comparative perspective. These include photographic practices in contemporary art, documentary, photojournalism, and fashion. Author Olga Smith sets these practices in dialogue with French philosophy - the writings of Roland Barthes, Jean Baudrillard, and...
Engels | PDF, 13 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Gabriella Nugent Colonial legacies
contemporary lens-based art and the democratic republic of Congo
In Colonial Legacies, Gabriella Nugent examines a generation of contemporary artists born or based in the Congo whose lens-based art attends to the afterlives and mutations of Belgian colonialism in postcolonial Congo. Focusing on three artists and one artist collective, Nugent analyses artworks produced by Sammy Baloji, Michèle Magema, Georges Senga and Kongo Astronauts, each of whom offers a different perspective onto this history gleaned from their own experiences. In their photography and video...
Engels | PDF, 51 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Photography’s materialities
transatlantic photographic practices over the long nineteenth century
There is little dispute that photography is a material practice, and that the photograph itself is ineluctably material. And yet "matter," "material," and "materiality" have proven to be remarkably elusive terms of inquiry, frequently producing studies that are disparate in scope, sharing seemingly little common ground. Although the wide methodological range of materialist study can be dizzying, it is this book's contention that that multiplicity is also the field's greatest asset, keeping materialist...
Engels | PDF, 9,2 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2021
Steven F. Joseph Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century
a bibliography and census; bibliography et recensement
First comprehensive and richly illustrated overview of historical Belgian photographic literature. The development of photography from its roots in 19th-century science gradually transformed book illustration and the dissemination of images. This fully bilingual reference work presents a first comprehensive survey of Belgian photographic literature of the 19th century, both of illustrated books and of technical publications. It makes a major contribution to academic study in the field, with a corpus...
Engels | Frans | 440 pagina's (PDF, 6,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017