Roderik Bender | Theo IJzermans How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?
rational effectiveness training for advanced students
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How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill? Rational Effectiveness Training for Advanced Students The enormous success of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind makes one thing eminently clear: there is a great need for a method to improve the way that we deal with certain work situations that cause stress, frustration and non-productive behaviour. Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) is exactly that kind of method. With 'How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill?' IJzermans and Bender have produced a sequel to 'The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind'. They briefly reiterate the main points of RET which makes the book suitable beginners too and goes into the role played by different emotions and the irrational thoughts that are often the consequence thereof. They then cover in greater depth common problems such as procrastination, resistance to change, guilt and insecurity. 'How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill?' contains a large number of easily recognisable examples and is written in an easily readable style. Roderik Bender is an independently established psychologist, trainer and coach. Since 1995, he has been connected to Schouten & Nelissen in the field of stress, reintegration, communication, training courses for trainers and advisors, leadership and career management. He was trained as a RET-therapist at the Albert Ellis-Institute. He has been an acknowledged supervisor for this institute since 2002. Theo IJzermans was a psychologist/psychotherapist and company trainer. His work has included involvement in Rational Effectiveness Training (RET) programmes for trainers and consultants of Schouten & Nelissen. He had his own practice in Amsterdam. Theo IJzermans died in 2008. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
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